Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay visits Noldor
It was an honour to host the Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay and her team at Noldor.
With Accra recently named as the UNESCO World Book Capital for 2023, we were thrilled as an Accra-based institution to learn that Ms. Azoulay and her team deemed Noldor a must-see during her visit to Ghana.
UNESCO has been a strong pillar for artists globally, while constantly admonishing states to create an enabling environment for artists through its 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist.
The 1980 Recommendationn implores Member States to improve the professional, social and economic status of artists through the implementation of policies and measures related to training, social security, employment, income and tax conditions, mobility and freedom of expression.
In the vein of artistic freedom and sustainability, UNESCO has also called on states to strengthen the protection of artists and culture professionals, following attacks on some artists across the world. A call we hope is taken more seriously.