2022 Noldor Artist Retreat Takes the Artists to the Nkyinkyim Museum!
Our #TestimonialTuesday goes to our whole Noldor Family as we participated in our second Annual Noldor Retreat! The focus of our retreat was the concept of “Reconnection,” which was divided into three parts: re-establishing connections with our identity, our community, and our visual impact.
With the goal of “Reconnecting with our Identity,” we traveled to Ada Foah to visit our sister’s museum, the Nkyinkyim Museum (@nkyinkyim_museum), which was established by cultural activist and Ghanaian artist Kwame Akoto-Bamfo (@osramba_media).
We had the chance to learn about his team’s practice through their sculptural works and historical significance that it has. We were given a guided tour of the museum’s numerous monumental sculptures and installations, which archives, preserves, and honors the rich history of our African cultural heritage.
The trip completely altered the way we thought of ourselves in light of our ancestors’ past experiences.
Thank you Nkyinkyim!